How To Gain Weight In A Healthy And Safe Way?

Safe and Healthy Ways to Gain Weight

In today’s world, many people are dealing with one major problem, being obese or overweight. Similarly, we find another set of people dealing with something opposite of the above: underweight or too thin. Always in their minds, they have questions such as how to gain weight, how to increase the weight, or how do I acquire weight, which bothers them.

In our society, the biggest myth is that gaining weight is much easier when compared to losing weight. Unfortunately, it is a common misconception that it is tough to gain weight healthily, and those heading on this journey feel it is an uphill battle.

The reason is that the stomach size of a thin individual is small. Hence it would be challenging to increase appetite. Secondly, even though the thin person may have a good appetite and indulge in various weight-gain foods possible, they may not be able to increase their weight. Therefore, most of the time, they may gain unhealthy fat, leading to increased health risks.

Especially in India, it has been observed that elders and loved ones usually advise those who are thin to eat anything and everything because they believe it would help increase their weight. This needs to be stopped, and one who aspires to gain weight must follow a healthy diet. It would help them gradually gain weight but also help them maintain it for a longer period and be healthy.

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    Calories FAQs – First Step To Weight Management Is To Understand Calories

    If you are beginning your journey towards healthily gaining weight, you must understand how many calories you need to take to gain weight slowly or rapidly. And what is calorie surplus and calorie calculator?

    What Exactly Is A Calorie?

    A Calorie is simply a unit of energy; if one consumes more calories than their body needs, they may most likely gain weight.

    What Is A Calorie Surplus?

    It is a state wherein individuals have more calories than they burn, increasing body fat or muscle weight. In other words, individuals consume more calories than their body needs.

    What Is Calories Calculator?

    The calorie calculator helps estimate the number of calories the body requires daily to gain, lose or maintain weight.

    According to the calculator, if you desire to lose weight slowly and steadily, then you should aim to have, each day, around 300 to 500 more calories than your body burn.

    Similarly, if you wish to gain weight fast, you must consume nearing to 700 to 1000 more calories above your body maintenance requirement.

    Why One May Be Underweight?

    Individuals may be underweight due to varied reasons. For your convenience, we have listed some of them.

    • Prolonged meal time gaps
    • Inadequate eating habits
    • Poor selection of foods
    • Prolonged diseases
    • Malabsorption of foods what they present consume
    • Suffering from eating disorders such as bulimia or anorexia

    Tips To Gain Weight In A Healthy And Safe Manner

    One should always aim to gain weight healthily and safely; you can follow these tips to achieve the same.

    Eat Energy Dense Foods

    Energy-dense foods contain more calories relative to your weight. Here is a list of energy-dense foods which are perfect for aiding weight gain

    • Dried Fruits: Dates, raisins, prunes and others
    • Nuts: Walnuts, almonds, peanuts, macadamia nuts, etc.
    • Fats and oils: Avocado oil and extra virgin olive oil
    • High-Fat Dairy: full-fat yogurt, whole milk, cream and cheese
    • Grains: Whole grains like corn, bulgar, brown rice, quinoa, and oats
    • Tubers: Sweet potatoes, Potatoes, and yams
    • Meat: Chicken, pork, lamb, etc.
    • Peanut butter, Dark chocolates, coconut milk, trail mixes, and granola.

    Most of these foods are very filling; hence, you may be forced to eat them even when you feel full.

    Vegetables for weight gain

    Vegetables are generally low in calories. They have plenty of health benefits, provide essential nutrients, and are a storehouse of fibre. You should couple these vegetables with other nutritious, calorie-dense foods to increase your calorie intake. Here are some vegetables that are beneficial based on their calorie and fat content:

    Vegetable Calories (per 100g) Carbohydrates (g) Protein (g) Fat (g) Fiber (g)
    Chickpeas 364 61 19 6 17
    Avocado 160 8.5 2 14.7 6.7
    Black beans 132 23 9 0.9 8.7
    Lentils 116 20 9 0.4 7.9
    Olives 115 6.3 0.8 10.7 3.2
    Corn 96 19 3.4 1.5 2.7
    Sweet potatoes 86 20.1 1.6 0.1 3
    Peas 81 14.5 5.4 0.4 5.5
    Potatoes 77 17.5 2 0.1 2.2

    Eat Minimum Three Meals Per Day

    If your goal is to gain weight healthily, try eating at least three meals daily. Numerous popular diet plans suggest increasing the number of meals, but those who look towards healthily gaining weight can stick to three. One should remember what matters most is the type and portions of food you eat rather than the number of meals you consume daily.

    Right Away Quit Unhealthy Habits

    There are many misconceptions. They believe they will gain weight if they follow any of the below unhealthy habits. It is not real; you will only have side effects. Hence it is always better to avoid these unhealthy habits

    • Consuming excessive sugary drinks, like soda or energy drinks
    • Over-reliance on protein supplements or shakes
    • Eating too much at once
    • Consuming calorie-dense foods
    • Not exercising
    • Using alcohol to stimulate appetite
    • Stress eating
    • Eating meals at odd times
    • Skipping meals
    • Eating lot of junk foods
    • Going on a crash diet
    • Finishing food due to peer pressure
    • Sleep deprivation

    Eat More Protein

    Protein is essential for body maintenance and growth. It is a significant nutrient that helps healthily gain weight. They are like building blocks to your body; if your body gets enough protein, it will reach its healthiest best.

    Protein-Rich Food Protein Content (per 100g) Other Nutrients/Notes
    Chicken breast 31g Low in fat and high in B vitamins
    Tuna 30g Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D
    Greek yogurt 10g Calcium and probiotics
    Cottage cheese 11g Calcium and low in lactose
    Lentils 9g Fiber and iron
    Chickpeas 19g Fiber and folate
    Quinoa 4g Fiber, magnesium, and iron
    Almonds 21g Healthy fats and vitamin E
    Peanut butter 25g Healthy fats and vitamin E
    Beef 26g Iron and vitamin B12
    Eggs 13g Choline and vitamin D
    Milk 3g Calcium and vitamin D

    Exercises Help You Gain Weight

    People who desire to gain weight must exercise sensibly. Here is the list of top ten exercises for women to help them gain weight.

    1. Low intensity workout
    2. Push-ups
    3. Jogging
    4. Swimming
    5. Bench press
    6. Lunches & Squats
    7. Dead lifts
    8. Yoga
    9. Pull-ups
    10. Dumbbell shoulder press and upright Barbell rows

    Few More Tips To Gain Weight

    Below, you can find a few more tips for gaining weight naturally.

    • Do not drink water before having a meal because you will feel full and have difficulty consuming enough calories.
    • Do not smoke because those who smoke tend to weigh less when compared to non-smokers, and if you are a smoker, quit smoking, and you will be able to gain weight

    What Should Be Your End Result?

    Everyone aspiring to gain weight should aim for a result wherein you should not only be able to gain weight, but your body should also be toned and curved in the right place.

    Weight gain is a gradual process. Take your time. You cannot lose weight overnight. Similarly, you cannot increase your weight overnight; you need much determination and patience to get there. Anytime you need expert assistance in improving your weight, you can contact Kolors Healthcare.



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