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Upper Lip Darkening
Though red and rosy pouts can enhance one's facial features, not everyone has healthy and luscious lips. You need not stock up on tinted lip balms or lipsticks when you have naturally pink lips. However, several factors like unhealthy lifestyle, smoking, medical conditions, too much application of cosmetics, and...
Iron Deficiency Hair Loss

Iron Deficiency and Hair Loss: Causes, Effects, Treatment

Are you experiencing a lot of hair loss along with hair thinning? If you don't have any underlying medical condition, you might wonder what's...
Best Anti-Ageing Foods

12 Best Anti-Ageing Foods for Youthful Skin

If you want to reverse your skin's ageing process, start by replacing fast food and junk food with skin-friendly options. Though skin serums and...
Pimples On Arms Shoulders

How to Remove Pimples on Arms and Shoulders: Combat Body Acne

As the weather turns warm, it's time to wear those sleeveless cotton dresses for better comfort. However, one thing that might stop you from...
Sun Tan

Sun Tan Removal Treatment: Tips for Face and Skin

Enjoing on a beach is a great way to enjoy the vacation. You might have also noticed that the body parts exposed to the...
Forehead Pimples Reasons

How To Get Rid Of Forehead Pimples: Types, Treatment

People dealing with pimples don't have similar experiences. Some might have terrible breakouts, while some might develop one or two once a month. Knowing...
Collagen Hair Loss

Does Collagen Help With Hair Loss – Importance & Benefits

Making the right decision always helps you in the long run. Hence, people tend to take extreme measures regarding hair loss. Many are unaware...
Sebum On Scalp

Sebum BuildUp On Scalp: Function, Imbalance, Maintenance

Do you have a flaky or greasy scalp lately? It might be due to excess sebum build-up on the scalp. While your sebaceous glands...

How To Lose Weight FAST Without Dieting?

Are you struggling to shed your extra pounds for a long time? Tired of trying weight loss tricks and dieting, yet no results. Do...

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