How To Use Garlic( Lahsun ) For Weight Loss & Burn Belly Fat

Garlic Weight Loss

Garlic is an essential ingredient in Indian cuisine since it enhances the flavor of any meal. It is also well-known as a nutritional powerhouse, particularly for weight loss. Garlic also boosts immunity, relaxes blood vessels for smooth blood flow, and lowers blood pressure. It also helps to reduce inflammation and the protection of blood vessels. All of the garlic’s health benefits contribute to a lower risk of heart disease.

Weight Loss Garlic

Garlic was historically utilized primarily for its medicinal properties. According to some historical texts, garlic was utilized as a performance-enhancing drug in the Olympics.

Nutritional Properties of Garlic – Raw garlic (1 Clove)

  • Protein – 0.57g
  • Fat – 0.04g
  • Carbohydrate – 2.98g
  • Energy – 13.41kcal
  • Sugar – 0.09g
  • Fiber – 0.19g
  • Calcium – 16.29mg
  • Iron – 0.15mg
  • Magnesium – 2.25mg
  • Phosphorus – 13.77mg
  • Potassium – 36.09mg
  • Sodium – 1.53 mg
  • Zinc – 0.1mg
  • Copper – 0.03mg
  • Manganese – 0.15mg
  • Vitamin C – 2.18mg
  • Thiamin – 0.02mg
  • Riboflavin – 0.01mg
  • Niacin – 0.06mg
  • Pantothenic Acid – 0.05mg
  • Vitamin B6 – 0.11mg
  • Folate – 0.27mg
  • Fatty Acids (saturated) – 0.01g

Top Ways To Use Garlic For Weight Loss

Losing weight can be challenging. Losing excess body fat requires time, sweat, hard effort, and the appropriate meals. Unfortunately, there are no quick fixes for becoming a healthier and fitter version of yourself! We do, however, have healthy and active alternatives. Exercise alone can’t help you lose weight. It also demands including appropriate foods in our diet. Many nutrients can aid in weight loss. This post will concentrate on one such ingredient, garlic.

    Speak to Our Experts

    Garlic contains alliinase, an enzyme that converts alliin into allicin. Allicin’s unique property functions only under specified conditions and can be deactivated if exposed to extreme heat.

    According to studies, baking garlic for 45 minutes can deactivate alliinase, reducing its health advantages. However, the same survey discovered that crushing it and leaving it for 10 minutes before adding it to any dish can help preserve its therapeutic benefits.

    1. Having Garlic In The Morning

    It is best to have raw garlic with water on an empty stomach in the morning for maximal benefits. Crush two to three garlic cloves and set them aside for 10 minutes before serving with water.

    2. Lime Juice And Garlic

    Garlic can also be eaten with lime juice. In a glass of warm water, combine the juice of 1 lemon and one crushed garlic clove. Drink it after thoroughly mixing it. According to experts, lemon juice and raw garlic aid in weight loss.

    3. Raw Garlic And Honey

    Weight loss can also be achieved by combining honey and raw garlic. Peel and smash 2-3 fresh garlic cloves and mix them with some raw honey to make this. Allow a few minutes for the mixture to rest before consuming it on an empty stomach.

    4. Garlic Tea

    To create this tea:

    1. Smash one garlic pod and add 1 cup of water to a pan.
    2. Boil the tea for a few minutes.
    3. When the tea is heated enough, add 12 teaspoons of cinnamon.
    4. Allow the mixture for 2 minutes before turning off the heat.
    5. Add 12 teaspoons of lemon juice and one teaspoon of honey into a cup.

    You can customize this tea by boiling a garlic pod and drinking it with cinnamon.

    Garlic recipes for weight loss

    Recipe ideas that include garlic and its total Calories –

    Garlic Recipe Ingredients Preparation Time Calories
    Garlic Roasted Salmon 4 salmon fillets, 4 cloves garlic, 1 tbsp olive oil, salt and pepper to taste 25 minutes 250 calories per serving
    Garlic and Kale Soup 1 bunch kale, six cloves garlic, 1 onion, 4 cups chicken or vegetable broth 30 minutes 150 calories per serving
    Garlic Shrimp Stir-fry 1 lb shrimp, 1 tbsp olive oil, six cloves garlic, 2 cups mixed vegetables (such as bell peppers and zucchini) 20 minutes 200 calories per serving

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    List of Health Benefits of Raw Garlic

    1. Increases Immunity

    Several studies have found that garlic can help reduce inflammation and increase immunological function, possibly due to its high concentration of antioxidants and sulfur-containing compounds like allicin.

    2. Promotes Cardiac Health

    According to some research, garlic may help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels to improve heart health.

    3. Blood Sugar Levels Are stabilized

    Garlic may help lower fasting blood sugar levels and improve blood sugar management, which may effectively treat type 2 diabetes.

    4. Improves Brain Health

    Although human research is limited, animal studies suggest that taking large amounts of fresh or aged garlic extract may boost memory and brain function.

    5. Reduces Inflammation

    Allicin, a chemical with anti-inflammatory effects, is found in garlic. This means it can help reduce chronic inflammation throughout the body and fight against obesity-related diseases like type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

    6. Increases Energy Levels

    Garlic includes a potent antioxidant called selenium, necessary for increasing energy levels since it helps convert food into energy via metabolism. Garlic also contains antibacterial properties that help fight fatigue from infections or illness by killing off harmful bacteria in the body that can cause fatigue.

    7. Helps You Feel Full Longer

    Garlic reduces appetite by increasing satiety hormones such as peptide YY (PYY), which signals fullness after eating meals high in calories like pasta, bread, or rice dishes!

    Side Effects of Eating Garlic

    Have you ever imagined that garlic can also create significant health problems? Consuming raw or too much garlic might have life-threatening consequences.

    It’s Bad For Your Liver

    The liver is a critical organ of our body since it conducts numerous life processes. According to various studies, garlic contains allicin, which can induce liver damage if consumed in significant quantities.


    Garlic consumption on an empty stomach can lead to diarrhea. This is because garlic contains gas-forming chemicals such as sulfur, contributing to diarrhea.

    Heartburn, Nausea, and Vomiting

    According to a paper by the National Cancer Institute of the United States, consuming raw garlic on an empty stomach may cause heartburn, nausea, and vomiting. In addition, according to a Harvard Medical School study, garlic contains chemicals that can induce GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease).

    Noxious Odour

    Garlic can cause bad breath if ingested in large quantities. The sulfur component found in breath is the primary cause of bad breath.

    Increases Bleeding

    Garlic is also a natural blood thinner, so we shouldn’t eat much of it if we use blood thinners like warfarin or aspirin. This is due to the dangerous combination of blood-thinning medicine and garlic, which may raise the risk of internal bleeding.

    Not Suitable For Pregnant Or Nursing Mothers

    Pregnant or nursing women should avoid garlic since it may induce labor. Given that it changes milk taste, it should be avoided by nursing women.

    Make You Dizzy

    According to specialists, excessive garlic consumption may drop blood pressure and cause various symptoms.

    Exacerbates Vaginal Infection

    Garlic should be avoided for treating vaginal yeast infection since it can aggravate the illness by irritating the delicate vaginal tissues.


    If you want a quick, easy, natural strategy to lose weight, you should regularly include garlic in your diet. Hopefully, our information was useful enough to encourage you to use garlic in your next meal. However, seeking professional advice regarding how much and how often to take for maximum results is important. Contact the doctors and dieticians at your local Kolors Healthcare facility for a thorough, supported, and directed weight loss program. To learn more, visit

    Garlic For Weight Loss FAQs

    1. Can I Swallow Garlic For Weight Loss?

    Yes, you can swallow garlic for weight loss. Garlic helps digestion and detoxify the body, lowering insulin resistance levels and reducing fat storage. For best results, include the white part of the clove in your diet and add raw or cooked garlic to your meals.

    2. Does Garlic Burn Belly Fat?

    Garlic is known to have anti-inflammatory properties, which can prevent excess fat storage in your body’s tissues. Note that this is not a miracle food – but it may be helpful for those specifically looking for ways to burn belly fat.

    3. How To Make Garlic Water For Weight Loss?

    Drinking garlic in water is the simplest and easiest way to use it for weight loss. Garlic-infused water is highly beneficial for health and, most importantly, helps reduce body weight and fat. Here is a simple recipe for making garlic water:


    • 1 to 2 cloves of garlic
    • 1 cup of water


    • Peel and crush the garlic cloves
    • Boil water in a kettle
    • Add the crushed garlic to the boiling water and leave it for 5 to 10 minutes
    • Remove the kettle from the heat and allow it to cool down
    • Strain it through a fine-mesh strainer
    • Drink it either warm or cold.


    1. Include some tips on how to choose and store garlic properly to ensure its maximum effectiveness. It would be fantastic to know if there are any specific recommended doses or guidelines for using garlic for weight loss.

    2. Garlic alone cannot magically make you lose weight. It should be used as part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. It is best to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant dietary changes.

    3. It will be good to see some scientific studies or research mentioned to support the weight loss claims of garlic.


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